Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ode to Mount Green Bean

I am a believer in the gracious plenty. However, my pea brain went over board with the Thanksgiving green beans. Really over board...

When I was planning the menu, I knew I needed to about double each recipe in order to make sure we had enough of each item for each guest to enjoy.
However, when it came to the green beans, I had some sort of mental block. I didn't double it once, I doubled it twice. Hense, Mount Green Bean. Our party didn't even begin to make a dent in them. And they were good - crispy beans served with a pickled onions and a maple vinegrette. So nice not to have the gloppy casserole covered in limp formerly crunchy onions.
Then, in the middle of the night, it occured to me that Mount Green Bean needed it's own country western song. They were proud and plenty...Oh the Gory Glory!

Submissions now being accepted for the appropriate Ode to Mount Green Bean.

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